An Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ, located in Milton, MA.
Building and Serving Community in Christ's Name.
We invite you to share in our hybrid worship experience Sunday mornings at 10:00 EST.


We understand faith formation as a life-long learning process shaped and nurtured by who we are and how we live together in community.
We believe we “are church” when we learn.

Two young acolytes walk with lit tapers to light the alter candles at the start of a worship service

We offer Sunday School classes for children and youth grounded in our Progressive Christianity and curriculum that embrace an open, collaborative, wonder-filled approach to the wide expanse of Christian tradition, the Bible, and the life and teachings of Jesus.

  • Our children join us in worship three out of four Sundays a month for about fifteen minutes, share in a Moment for All Ages with the Pastor or CE Director, and then move to their dedicated learning time with their teachers.
  • We gather for AWE (All Ages Worship Experience) Sundays most fourth Sundays of the month when we—all children and adults—learn about and experience worship together for the full service.
  • The way our children retell the Christmas story each year and lead us in their annual Children’s and Youth Sunday worship form everyone’s faith.

This lively video slideshow, celebrating the vibrant CE program, was presented at East Church’s 2024 Annual Meeting:

colorful paper outlines of hands

Adult faith formation is nurtured through Bible studies, book and topical studies, and a delightfully-curated, on-site library that feed our minds and spirits.

colorful painted image of a fish