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Get a glimpse into the people, events, and activities at East Church, Milton MA
Christmas Sunday 2010
18-0-2008A very special Christmas Play, followed by a festive luncheon. What a morning!
Hanging of the Greens Service 2010
27-0-2008On Sunday, November 29, the first Sunday in Advent this year, East Church presented its annual "Hanging of the Greens" service. Readings explaining the symbols of Advent were presented by the youth and, as the congregation sang traditional Advent hymns, the children set about decorating the Sanctuary. Following worship, an intergenerational Craft Fair in Fellowship Hall was a huge success.
Farewell Rev. Dianne
12-45-2008After serving East Church as Interim Pastor for over two and a half years, Rev. Dianne Arakawa said her good byes and was honored at a reception on Sunday, November 9. After viewing the photos you might wish to watch the video tribute produced for Rev. Arakawa.
Children's Sunday and Picnic 2008
08-38-2008Palm Sunday 2008
16-21-2008Birthday Bash 2008
02-24-2008Always a raucous good time. Sincere thanks to Susan Foster and Ericka Jacobsen for these great photos!
Spaghetti Dinner 2008
25-1-2008Special thanks to Susan Foster for these photos!